Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Director of Surgery

Medico-Legal Practice

I have a busy medico-legal practice with currently over 200 new referrals a year. My major expertise is related to general surgery, hernia surgery, gastrointestinal surgery especially hepatobiliary-pancreatic surgery, laparoscopic surgery and endocrine surgery.  I have provided over 2,000 medico-legal reports with several court attendances. I have attended several medico-legal conferences and undergone training in ‘single joint witness’.  My current work load is approximately 15% Single Joint Witness, 40% Claimant and 45% Defendant.


Consulting Address

Ash Lodge Consulting Suite

65 Whirlow Park Road                           Telephone: +44 (0) 114 2620852

Sheffield                                                    Email:

S11 9NN                                                     Mobile: +44 (0) 7771 771953



I am sorry but I cannot answer unsolicited questions sent from patients or relatives to me either by e-mail or through the website.

Clinical advice should be sought from a patient’s General Practitioner prior to any referral.

Unsolicited e-mails requesting clinical advice regrettably cannot be responded to.