Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Director of Surgery

Visiting Lectureships

June 18 – 30, 1994 Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Singapore
November 5 – 16, 1996 Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Hong Kong
June 21 – July 4, 1997 Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Singapore
September 6 – 15, 1997 Visiting Professor, Department of Surgery, Hong Kong
April 5, 1998 Visiting Lecturer, Exeter
August/September 2001 Visiting Professor, Perth, Australia
June 2003 Visiting Professor, Perth, Australia
August/September 2001 Visiting Professor, Perth, Australia
April 2005 Visiting Lecturer, German Surgical Society, Munich
May 2005 Visiting Lecturer, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress
November 2006 Visiting Lecturer, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
July 2007 Invited Keynote Lecturer, Sri Lanka Annual Conference
March 2008 Invited Lecturer, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
October 2010 Visiting Lecturer, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland


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