Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Director of Surgery


1989 to date Debrett’s Distinguished People of Today
1993 to date Dictionary of International Biography
1998 to date Who’s Who in the World
1998 to date Who’s Who in Science and Engineering
1998 to date Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare
2000 to date The Barons 500 (Barons Who’s Who)
2001 to date Who’s Who in Finance and Industry
2001 to date 500 Great Minds of the early 21st Century
2003 to date Empire Who’s Who
2005 to date Who’s Who in the Professional World
2008 to date Who’s Who


I am sorry but I cannot answer unsolicited questions sent from patients or relatives to me either by e-mail or through the website.

Clinical advice should be sought from a patient’s General Practitioner prior to any referral.

Unsolicited e-mails requesting clinical advice regrettably cannot be responded to.